Digital Glyde helped me grow my business from 2,000 to over 20,000 clients.



“Field, management and ERP apps Digital Glyde developed helped me grow my business from 2,000 to over 20,000 clients. We give our clients real-time visibility into their workforce saving them millions each year.”
– Tona Trondsen, CEO

Workplace Safety Screenings provides pre-employment background and drug screenings (including post-accident and random drug testing, annual physicals, post-accident rehabilitation, COVID-19 testing and vaccinations).

WSS hired Digital Glyde to create a digital system which would securely store employee/employer records, and allow assigned company managers the ability to administer individual employee records and assign upcoming background screenings. This custom-built management platform can also automatically assign random employee drug tests, schedule annual reminders, and record time/date stamps required for state and federal compliance.

Technologies Used: AWS cloud services, Odoo operating system, and React-based dashboard

Both of these sites are extremely helpful in determining the potential for gluten contamination. Decreases in sperm count have been observed in men taking bosentan. For acute asthma exacerbations, the NAEPP recommends 0 . Complete blood counts should be performed in patients with pre-existing low white blood cell count (WBC) or history of leukopenia or neutropenia.

However, further modifications will be required to provide suitable drug targeting for improved delivery of arsenic-containing compounds to cancer cells. Components of ACR Response in Study I * Results at 6 months showed similar improvement. The total supply will never be increased and supply is only released into circulation through wagering . Many studies have documented Oxandrin’s safety and effectiveness in treating HIV wasting.